Why blog
June 07, 2020
The idea of making personal blog was around for a while now. But all this time I couldn't answer a simple question "Why do I need a blog? I already have my Facebook, Twitter and tons of notes in files".
- Facebook is a good platform for such things, technically speaking. But I honestly don't want to make a noise in a timeline of my non-engineering friends with technical notes. Same thing about language, I don't want to bother my English speaking friends with Russian posts and vice versa. Also it doesn't support markdown or any other markup language which makes it terribly inconvenient for long texts and code snippets.
- Twitter is better with markup, but text length limit makes it useless for anything longer than few sentences.
- My personal notes are the best one, I can use any markup language, tags, code snippets and much more. But the experience of sharing notes could be better.
Let's try with the blog. I made rather simple one to begin with. There is almost no JS or React, some of my friends have JS switch off in a browser. Also there are no comments section, we have messengers, email and social networks for it. If you have any comments or questions please feel free to contact me directly, I'm happy to talk to interesting people!